Karan Singh sexually assaulted Bipasha Basu in Jummi. (Video) Swami Karan Singh Grover composed the gathering at midnight to make his 40-year-old birthday somewhat extraordinary. What's more, the nearness of the gathering came to astound, the Bengali performing artist Bipasha Basu of Bollywood. At Bipasha Basu's birthday party, some dear companions alongside Karan's family were likewise present. Among whom Karan's companion Arti Singh, Iaj Khan showed up. In a media of India, it is said that orchestrating a sudden birthday party at midnight and his family amazed him, said the performing artist. She additionally said she is thankful for the manner in which her significant other and her relatives satisfied her. Other than this birthday party was 'Maya'. Alongside Bipashara, Karan composed a card to say thanks in his Instagram handle for Bipashar. Bipasha has made her life extraordinary, expressing gratitude toward her for doing it. Notwithstanding...